What does recruiting involve?

Aktualisiert am 8. March 2024 von Michael Horn

As a company, you need the best employees to be successful. But how do you find them? This is exactly where recruiting comes into play. Recruiting covers the entire employee recruitment process, from job advertisement to hiring. In this article, we will take a closer look at recruiting and what it involves.

1 Definition: What is recruiting?

Recruiting is the process of finding suitable candidates for an open position in a company. The aim is to find qualified and motivated employees who fit in with the company and enable long-term cooperation.

2 Why is recruiting important?

Recruiting is important in order to provide the company with qualified and motivated employees. Employees are the company’s capital and have a decisive influence on its success. Companies can grow and be successful in the long term through the targeted selection and recruitment of employees.

3. the course of the recruiting process

Recruiting consists of several steps, which are explained in more detail below.

3.1. Place a job advertisement

The recruiting process begins with the job advertisement. This is where the vacancy is described and the requirements placed on the candidate. The job advertisement can be placed on various platforms, such as job boards or the company website.

3.2. View applications

After the job advertisement has been published, applications start coming in. These must now be viewed and checked. The application documents such as cover letter, CV and references are checked for completeness and suitability for the position.

3.3. Conduct job interviews

The shortlisted candidates will now be invited to an interview. The aim of this interview is to get to know the candidate better and find out whether he or she is a good fit for the company and the position.

3.4. Make a selection

A selection is made after the interviews. The strengths and weaknesses of the candidates must be compared and a decision made as to who is best suited to the position and the company.

3.5. Prepare setting

Once the selection has been made, the next step is to prepare the recruitment of the new employee. Contracts have to be drawn up and the new employee has to be introduced to the company. Cooperation with other departments must also be organized.

4 What are the challenges in recruiting?

Recruiting can be associated with a number of challenges. These include, for example:

  • Time-consuming: The recruiting process can be very time-consuming, especially if many applications are received.
  • High costs: Placing job advertisements and conducting job interviews can incur high costs.
  • Competition: Finding suitable candidates can be difficult, especially when there are many companies looking for similar candidates.
  • Skills shortage: In some industries, it can be difficult to find qualified candidates.

5. recruiting tools and methods

There are various recruiting tools and methods to make the recruiting process more efficient and successful. The following methods can be used, for example:

5.1. Active Sourcing

Active sourcing is about approaching potential candidates directly without them having applied for a job advertisement. Social networks such as LinkedIn or Xing can be used for this purpose.

5.2. Social recruiting

Social recruiting uses social media such as Facebook or Instagram to draw the attention of potential candidates to vacancies. Employee recommendations are often used for this purpose.

5.3. Mobile recruiting

Mobile recruiting relies on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. For example, applications can be submitted via a dedicated app.

5.4. Employer branding

Employer branding deals with the company’s employer brand. The aim here is to position the company as an attractive employer in order to attract potential candidates.

6. conclusion

Recruiting is an important process for attracting qualified and motivated employees to the company. The recruiting process comprises various steps, from the job advertisement to the hiring of the new employee. There are a number of challenges that need to be overcome. However, the use of recruiting tools and methods can make the recruiting process more efficient and successful.

FAQ 7.

7.1. What are the most important steps in the recruiting process?

The most important steps in the recruitment process are the job advertisement, viewing applications, conducting interviews, making the selection and preparing for recruitment.

7.2. What recruiting tools are available?

There are various recruiting tools such as active sourcing, social recruiting, mobile recruiting and employer branding.

7.3. How can recruiting be made more efficient?

Recruiting can be made more efficient through the use of recruiting tools and methods. A clear job description and a targeted approach to potential candidates can also contribute to this.

7.4. What are the biggest challenges in recruiting?

The biggest challenges in recruiting can be a high expenditure of time, high costs, competition and a shortage of skilled workers.

7.5. How important is employer branding in recruiting?

Employer branding is very important in recruiting, as it helps to position the company as an attractive employer and attract potential candidates.


Recruiting is an important process for attracting qualified and motivated employees to the company. Companies can grow and be successful in the long term through the targeted selection and recruitment of employees. However, there are also some challenges that need to be overcome. The use of recruiting tools and methods can help to make the recruiting process more efficient and successful.

Aktualisiert am 8. March 2024 von Michael Horn

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