Exact match is a term from the field of online marketing that refers to a specific type of keyword assignment in search engine advertising (SEA) and search engine optimization (SEO). In the context of SEA, such as Google Ads, exact match means that an ad is only triggered if a user’s search query matches the stored keyword exactly, including the order of the words and without additional words before, between or after the keywords. This strict form of matching helps advertisers to target their ads to very specific search queries, which can increase the relevance of the ad for the user and the efficiency of the advertising campaign.
Definition and meaning #
Exact Match is a targeting option in Google Ads that allows advertisers to place their ads only for search queries that exactly match a predefined keyword. This option is particularly valuable for advertisers who want to address a very specific target group.
Application of Exact Match in Google Ads #
To define a keyword as an exact match in Google Ads, it must be placed in square brackets (e.g. [keyword]). This signals to Google that the ad should only be displayed if the search query matches the keyword exactly.
Advantages of Exact Match #
- Higher relevance: The ads are highly relevant for users who search for the exact keyword.
- Better conversion rates: Due to the higher relevance, users who click on the ad are more likely to perform a desired action (e.g. purchase, registration) on the website.
- More efficient budget management: Since the ads are only displayed for exact matches, the advertising budget can be used more efficiently.
Challenges and solutions #
One challenge of using Exact Match is the risk of losing potential customers who use similar but not exact match search queries. One solution to this is to combine Exact Match with other keyword options such as Phrase Match or Broad Match to achieve broader coverage of relevant search queries.
FAQs #
- What distinguishes Exact Match from other keyword options? Exact match is the most restrictive form of keyword assignment, in which ads are only displayed if the search query matches exactly.
- Can I also use Exact Match for SEO? In the SEO context, the term Exact Match Domain (EMD) refers to domains that correspond exactly to a highly relevant search term. Although the direct influence of EMDs on search engine rankings is controversial, they can be useful in certain circumstances.
Summary #
Exact Match is a powerful targeting option in Google Ads that helps advertisers target their ads to highly specific search queries to maximize the relevance and efficiency of their campaigns. Despite its advantages, it is important to use Exact Match strategically and in combination with other keyword options to ensure comprehensive market coverage.
[1] https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2407781?hl=de
[2] https://www.seobility.net/de/wiki/Exact_Match_Domain
[3] https://www.advidera.com/glossar/exact-match-domain/
[4] https://wolf-of-seo.de/was-ist/exact-match/
[5] https://onlinemarketing.de/sea/google-ads-erweitert-definition-des-exact-match
[6] https://www.loewenstark.com/wissen/exact-match/
[7] https://moz.com/learn/seo/what-are-exact-match-keywords
[8] https://www.wordstream.com/exact-match